The Personal Blog

Posts tagged “Timeline

New Facebook Timeline Covers

Working on some new promotional Timeline covers for my Facebook.

Testimonials are always an effective tool in promotion, but when paired with images of the actual clients (as opposed to simply words on a page alone), the effect is magnified — especially if you share any of the same friends or the people featured in the photos forward a link to the image produced so it goes on their walls for everyone they know to see.

My goal here was to show that I’m THE photographer for people to want to hire. Also, that they don’t have to be professional models to sit in front of my lens. Did I succeed?

I wouldn’t be shocked if you see a lot of photographers start doing this…  🙂

I can help your company do something similar, using your customers’ words and photos to illustrate concepts. Let me know if you’d like some assistance with your social media or graphics needs.